Dr. Halligan’s former San Diego TMJ Practice Continues
Dr. Raymond Carpenter treats TMJ patients in San Diego, CA
Dr. Halligan’s San Diego TMJ Practice Continues
Dr. Raymond Carpenter treats TMJ patients in San Diego, CA.
Dr. Raymond Carpenter is now treating TMJ patients in San Diego. call 858-277-3910.
Dear Friends,
The day has come finally for me to make the transition to retirement. I am proud to announce that the office is being transferred to the capable hands of Dr. Raymond Carpenter. Dr. Carpenter, a prosthodontist in Rancho Bernardo, is also a member of the American Association of Craniofacial Pain. The office phone remains the same: 858-277-3910.
I have a great deal of gratitude for your support over nearly two decades. With Dr. Carpenter now on board, I think you can look forward to years of continued help with TMJ related concerns.
William Halligan
New Video — Why do your patients have Orofacial Pain?
Six Steps of Discovery
Is it a TMJ disorder? If you’d like to do more comprehensive dentistry I’d suggest you first look at screening and diagnostic procedures for TMJ disorders, because the TMJs are actually the foundation to occlusion.
A Virtual TMJ Consultation
This article demonstrates that, even though I did not meet with the patient personally, it is clear that quite a lot can be accomplished through just reviewing good x-ray images, history, and symptoms and following up with a phone call. After the fact, I can see that conferencing through Zoom or similar video format could have been even more valuable and it is something I will add in future consultations of this kind.