TMJ Consultant | Author | Educator
I provide direction and information for dentists and non-dentists alike
TMJ Consultant | Author | Educator
I provide direction and information for dentists and non-dentists alike
TMJ Consultant | Author | Educator
I provide direction and information for dentists and non-dentists alike
For DENTAL PROFESSIONALS, Dr. Halligan is available for consultation especially regarding patients with TMJ or occlusal issues.
His many years of experience can be valuable whether one is implementing TMD treatments in a general practice setting or wishes to have a practice devoted entirely to oral-facial pain treatment.
For PATIENTS and CONSUMERS, Dr. Halligan provides an online gateway for obtaining help with your TMJ pain and related issues.
Upon request he can review patient complaints and history, read jaw CT scans or MRIs and provide a report of findings.
TMJ help starts here.
New Video — Why do your patients have Orofacial Pain?
Six Steps of Discovery
Is it a TMJ disorder? If you’d like to do more comprehensive dentistry I’d suggest you first look at screening and diagnostic procedures for TMJ disorders, because the TMJs are actually the foundation to occlusion.
Dentists: Earn one hour of CE Credit — Free
Simply read this article and take the short test. When you pass, I’ll email you a board-approved Certificate of Completion.

Let Your Voice Be Heard
I am developing new resources to help you in your dental practice, including TMJ concerns. It would be a tremendous help if you would take two quick minutes and fill out my online survey. Please let me know which TMJ articles, consulting and trainings would benefit you the most this year. Click here to take the survey.

Book Dr. Halligan for your event.

Eastern Sierra Retreat
Book Dr. Halligan for a Personal or Office retreat.

Work with Dr. Halligan one-on-one or hire him to be a resource for your practice.